Body Mind Spritのつれづれ


【ミンピの風景(その4)~メインティーチャーのエレンと、マッサージの奥深さ Mimpi scenery - Ellen, the main teacher, and the depth of massage.】











僕は初めて、自分のマッサージで、相手に大きな感情の変化が起こる体験をした。ある週末、交換セッションの宿題が出て、ある女性を相手にしたときのことだ。僕が30分ほどマッサージをしたところで、彼女は突然「I can’t, I can’t」と言って、マッサージベッドから降りてしまった。そして、そのまま自分の部屋に戻ってしまった。僕は、「何か自分がいけないことをしたのか?いや、そんなはずはない。でも、なんで。」と途方に暮れていた。すると、2時間ほどして、携帯に彼女からのメッセージが入った。





【Mimpi scenery - Ellen, the main teacher, and the depth of massage.】

The main teacher of the training program in Bali is Ellen, a woman over 70 years old. Because of her, the training program of Esalen Massage, which originated in the U.S., started and continues in Bali. With one word from her, the content and schedule of the program changes. Her presence is overwhelming.

On the afternoon of the day the training began, while we were having a late lunch at a restaurant by the sea, a group came from the entrance of the restaurant. At the center of the group was a woman wearing a brightly colored dress, a large hat, and sunglasses. Her long white hair was fluttering. That was the first time I saw Ellen.

During training, Ellen was a charming person, different from the image of her first impression at the restaurant. She took the initiative in dancing, introduced a song I had never heard before, and we all sang along. She told heartwarming stories and sometimes did mischievous things to lighten the mood.

She often talked about "loving yourself, loving those around you, and appreciating nature," and her words really resonated with me because she is a person who puts this into practice. Even though she was busy, she paid attention to each program participant. She checked to see if they were satisfied with the food, changed their orders, and planned a dinner outing to a nearby hotel. When there was a problem with the room due to a mistake on the part of the hotel, she was heartbroken, saying that it was a nightmare. If the flowers at the entrance of the training place were a little out of order, she would fix them herself. She was such a meticulous person and thoughtful of the participants. She also respected the local culture. We went to a traditional night festival in northern Bali and saw a world where the participants went into a trance in the gamelan music. We also visited a temple in the morning, where we had the experience of purifying ourselves by bathing in a waterfall of water.

She taught the procedures and technical aspects of massage, but she also emphasized the importance of being oneself in front of the client. She repeatedly talked about the importance of presence, sensing yourself, and observing the client. She also tells us the importance of using our intuition.

During the training, participants had the opportunity to give massages to their teachers and ask for their advice. I was lucky that Ellen was the receiver of my massage. Her advice was this: " The quality of touch is good, the presence is OK (you were here yourself). Now you just have to follow your flow. The rest is up to you.

Yes, Esalen massage is done differently for each practitioner, and that is a good thing. Right now, I'm still practicing so that I can do the techniques as I learned them. After that, however, I will make my own massage, arranging the techniques in my own way and sometimes abandoning them.


Massage is a direct contact between people, which is both delicate and powerful. And when participants spend a month together with the same members in Bali, touching each other and reflecting on themselves, various kinds of emotional openings occur. The body holds memories of the past, and touching and stimulating the body can bring those memories back to life.

For the first time, I experienced that my massage caused a significant emotional change in the receiver. One weekend, I had a homework assignment for an exchange session, and I gave massage to a woman. After I had massaged her for about 30 minutes, she suddenly said, "I can't, I can't," and got off the massage bed. Then she went back to her room. I asked myself, "Did I do something wrong? No, it can't be. But why? I was at a loss. About two hours later, I received a message from her on my cell phone.

She said, "I'm sorry. I had a flashback of my past trauma. After that, I couldn't stay in that place because of the noises around me. It's not because of the way you massage me, so don't worry about it." She wrote.

And the next day, as if nothing had happened, he gave me a wonderful massage in return.

Massage is a profound thing, and there are still many unknowns.